Monday, October 8, 2012

Rough Draft

What people never seem to envision in their live is how they will fix the problems that people face every day. Most of us just think that something will come up and that all will be better in the end, but that’s only because our hopes and attitudes go way beyond our capability of reason. In the present day, the United States of America is having financial crisis with its own states and it’s caused for many sacrifices that each governor of their own states has had to make in the past four years. In our local state of California, many people have felt and suffer the recession that we have all felt and its many also don’t always have the answer to give to their fellow friends about what should be done about the fiasco. The biggest trouble that California s facing because of the recession is all the tax cuts that its done about their entire school system and how many students are getting to the point of leaving school all together because of the conditions that the school system is providing to all their students.
Since the new governor elections are set to take place in November of 2012, there have been a total of 11 new propositions that can help the economy in a matter of what’s best for all of California. One of those propositions is proposition 30 and for the majority of the residents in California expect for it to make their lives a little more easier tat what it is today. The proposition works in a very tolerable way for most people because it puts in motion many stages that stimulate the school system. First they increase the sales tax rate by one- quarter cent for every dollar in four years. It also increases the rates of personal income taxes to the upper class or people who make 250,000 dollars or more for seven years.  If this is approved by the state, there’s a total profit of at least six billion dollars in additional state revenue to help the many systems and programs who are in dire need of help. What is interesting is that despite being safe for some, others don’t have a liking to this proposition and are in light turmoil about it.
The proposition can really help out people who aren't doing well in this economy because it’s very difficult to find a suitable job if people don’t have the right education for the job that they desire the most. Because many times people tend to stop doing something that they loose hope on, this proposition is meant to help and put back the trust on the school that appears to be not doing very well in the past 4 years. In order to have a good middle class, education is always going to be the solution that is needed to keep them strong to begin with since it of most importance for any society to have a strong middle class to be kept stable and in balance. What people think of education is up to debate because people have the right to their free opinions and beliefs, that’s why proposition 30 is put most of the six billion dollars that can generate if its passed on the school system of California  for the benefit of the people who know that education is important in their life.
Some people aren't so sure if proposition 30 will work on helping the less unfortunate of the California crisis  because many have come up with theories and doubts that make  people think twice about it. Since there really is no insurance on the fact that all the money from the raised taxis will go to the school system, many people aren't so sure to vote for it and are looking away from it to other propositions. Jerry Brown has promised make sure that all the money goes to the school system but some say that he just what’s to have the image of a savior and that he will use the money in other systems that aren't so very important at the moment. Their points of view are important because with the criticism that this proposition receives, the state can gives us the answers by seeing how our need can be analyzed to better explain it to the fellow citizens of California.
As a college student and a middle class citizen, I tend to be a supported of proposition 30 because it gives me a since of relive to know that my education whom be degraded because the state cant pay the bills to keep it open for me to receive the education that has taken me years to obtain. I was taught to value what I have in life and many people have told me that education is the most important tool in life and so far their right. Everywhere I go, I see the facts that happen each day because its hard to turn your back at the world the way it is and nobody really needs to because to move forward its important to be educated enough to make it anyway you can. I can appeal to many people in my position as a student to many other people and see that I’m not alone and that they think like I do because this government is supposed to help us in any way possible and we have rights to follow our desired carries and find a way to do so.
To be for or against a topic is completely up for the reader to decide what side they want to be on. That is why we have the right to vote in this democratic state and people should always have an opinion on the current news and events that the state has to offer because with everyone’s opinion and ideas, people can better resolve what it’s most important to fix and make sure that our economy is well taken cared of by the middle class that its one of its more important assets. 

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